"I look at marriage in the same way I look at genital piercing - I support your right to do it, but it don´t seem like the best idea in the world. <...> There is a 65 % divorce rate. What does it have to be - like 90%? - before people stop doing it? I don´t know why you have to a a legal contract with the state in order to be happy? Its an archaic tribal ritual, and I just can´t understand why people keep doing it. Why do you have to go to court for a relationship? How about - if you like each other you should hang out together, and if you don´t like each other anymore, stop hanging out! Why go hire laywers, and go crazy, and hate each other, loose all your stuff. It seems a little odd. It seems strange."
- Joe Rogan

Posted by Mannen at June 13, 2004 12:07 PM