Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Är Mannen äntligen kär?

Hej. Jag heter Mannen. Ville bara säga att den här Kari Byron i "Mythbusters" på Discovery är värd en liten förälskelse. Hon är konstnär som gör dockor, kan allt (eller framställs som att hon kan allt) om teknik och kemi och sånt stuff, och dessutom är hon sötare än en ewok-bäbis. Vad kan man mer kräva av en tjej?

Saxat från mythbustersfanclub.com:

More femme power joins the Mythbusters Team! While studying film and sculpture at San Francisco State University, Kari Byron's parents wondered what kind of job she'd actually end up with in the real world. She would be writing, directing and starring in B-level horror films one day; and sculpting intricate model dragons for Dungeons & Dragons fans the next- Making her one awesome chick!

After she graduated, Kari started out as an artist. She worked in sculpture and painting, and held successful exhibitions at some of San Francisco's leading galleries.

Sculpting led to model-making and toy-prototyping, which led her to a job with Jamie at M5 Industries. Enter- Mythbusters! Kari made her debut during the "Vacuum Toilet" episode. Jamie needed a 3-D scan of a person's backside, and Kari happened to be in the right place at the right time!

Aside from being an avid fencer and knife thrower, Kari has been chased by machine-gun-toting Egyptian police for painting a mural in Dahab, has trekked in the Himalayas, and has scuba-dived in most of the world oceans. Can someone say "amazing"?


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