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Friday, August 10, 2007
Conan Förgöraren!
Conan O´Brians härliga sågning av den där Lindsay Lohan-personen förtjänar att upprepas även här. Han var alltså manusförfattare för The Simpsons på 90-talet, men fick inte vara med nu i filmen.
”I cleared my talk show schedule for a year at great financial cost to myself, got an apartment right outside the Fox lot, and told them I was ready to report to work. All I heard back was that they were having trouble finding me a parking space, and then they stopped returning my calls altogether. I am stunned and disappointed…. Truth be told, I worry that the Simpsons-writing portion of my brain has been destroyed after 14 years of talking to Lindsay Lohan and that guy from One Tree Hill, so maybe it’s all for the best.”