Friday, October 02, 2009

Hitler was a sensitive man?

Anal Cunt heter en sång- och instrumentalensemble från Newton, Massachusetts. De har presterat album som "Defenders of the Hate", "It Just Gets Worse", "I Like It When You Die", "40 More Reasons to Hate Us" och "Everyone Should Be Killed". Nu när det snart är helg tänkte jag fira med att lista deras 10 minst politiskt korrekt låttitlar. Det är svårt att rangordna, men här är ett försök:

10. "The Only Reason Men Talk to You Is Because They Want to Get Laid, You Stupid Fucking Cunt"
9. "Domestic Violence Is Really, Really, Really Funny"
8. "I Became a Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked for It"
7. "I Made Your Kid Get A.I.D.S. So You Could Watch It Die"
6. "Women: Nature's Punching Bag"
5. "You Got Date Raped"
4. "You Were Too Ugly to Rape, So I Beat the Sh*t Out of You"
3. "You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You in the Stomach"
2. "Your Kid Commited Suicide Because You Suck"
1. "I Sent Concentration Camp Footage to America's Funniest Home Videos"

Bubblare: "Sweatshops Are Cool", "I Snuck a Retard into a Sperm Bank" och "Hitler Was a Sensitive Man".

Bandet har försökt kompensera med albumet "Picnic of Love".

Jag rekommenderar inte deras musik. Alls.


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